Equity Release, Mill Hill
If your wealth is tied up in your property in Mill Hill, but you don’t wish to move home, an Equity Release scheme could help to pay off your mortgage or provide funds for home improvements, holidays or long-term care.
Having to pay for long-term care in Mill Hill as we get older is not something anyone likes to think about. However, making it part of your financial plan can give you valuable peace of mind in retirement.
Inheritance Tax planning is one of the most efficient ways to save money. We can explore the best way to make the most of the rules so that your family, not the taxman, benefit from your estate.
Hello. I am Keith Galgut
I am an Independent Financial Adviser in Mill Hill and specialises in Later Life issues – Equity Release, Care Funding, Inheritance Tax Planning and Investments for older people.
Whether you are looking to buy a new property in Mill Hill , repay an interest only mortgage, extend a lease, gift some of your assets to family, or simply have some fun in retirement, I can help you navigate the options available.
Together we’ll develop a strategy that will give you peace of mind about your finances in later life.
Gary Elster
Gurjit Soor
Jeff Myers
If you Live in Mill Hill- Contact Keith
Please complete the form below with your details and we will get back to you, otherwise please call Keith on 07775 507 331
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